Arden Reis

An Ala Mhigan-born Seeker Miqo'te with a flair for the dramatic and a hunger for knowledge. While being a Maelstrom Private Third Class and a new transfer to the scouting unit, be warned that his badge hardly changes his erratic, risky, and seemingly unhinged behavior. Every day is a chance for new knowledge and experiences - the question is, is it worth the price?((While Arden uses both he/him and she/her pronouns, this carrd will be using he/him.))

Clan:Seeker of the Sun
Nameday:17th Sun of 5th Astral Moon (9/16)
OrientationLikes women ((not seeking relationship, but may playfully flirt))
Homeland:Ala Mhigo
Current Home:Limsa Lominsa Maelstrom Barracks(?)
Job(s):Thaumaturge, Gladiator
Nicknames:M'den, Mange, Bathrobe, Lawn Cat


A mixture of Ala Mhigan heritage, impeccable grooming habits, and an innate sense of what's attractive and what isn't have made Arden's appearance turn heads on more than one occasion. It's easy to classify his looks as "sharp": bright emerald eyes catching every movement in front of him, fiery red hair growing as feathered spikes in front of his face, long claws painted black and left canine file-sharpened to resemble a Keeper's fang...Upon closer inspection, however, it's clear that if he wanted to claim the title of 'most beautiful man in Hydaelyn', he could do better. His hair has a fair amount of split ends, his teeth are crooked and stained, and his clothes and adornments wouldn't be sold for outrageous prices at stores. It all tells the story of someone who has trouble with making - and holding onto - money. Still, it's very clear he tries his best despite his budget (or lack thereof).Even with this limitation, Arden's found a way to show his fondness for the showy and dramatic. Open flowy shirts and robes, flashy pants, and strikingly black eyeliner and lip color are all parts of his style, gender norms be damned. Perhaps the most emblematic part of his style is the copious amount of jewelry he wears: from earrings to bracelets, to chains and tumbled gemstones adorning his luxuriously soft tail, it's practically impossible to look at him and not see gold glinting on his person. And those astute and trained in magic would be able to tell that every piece has been treated to be aetherically conductive...


The best word to describe Arden is 'wild child'. The way that he's quick to leap head-first into any new experience, whether good or bad, and his lax mentality about the consequences of said actions are very similar to that of a child recently released from the yoke of strict parental supervision. In a place like Hydaelyn, this means that this Seeker is very accustomed to danger and risk, going so far as to revel in it. Some would even say that he has no regard for his personal well-being and longevity! And he would have to agree, barring few exceptions. To Arden, 'excitement' is just another bodily need, right alongside food and water; being bored for too long is far too risky, and much like how a starving dog will snap at anything to eat, a perpetually bored Arden will inevitably do something he'll regret. As any psychologist would say, he's simply managing the symptoms before they can explode into something worse.This need for excitement and mental stimulation can make Arden come off as a pest at times - others would even go further and call him an asshole. As he's naturally a loner, him coming out of his little hovel serves as a sign that he needs stimulation, and what's an easier way of getting that it than by talking with people? At best, interacting with Arden practically guarantees you a memorable night with plenty of snark, quips, and cackles. At worst, he's a menace that isn't afraid to insult people right in their faces and 'poke the bear', as it were. At his very worst...well, it's best to avoid him. When a cat looks manic, they're ready to play hard.One more important detail: he finds it hard to understand and connect with other people. There's only so much information he can store in his brain, and he's of a subset of people that automatically filters out details about people he doesn't care about. For him to remember a person's face, name, and information is a sign that he considers them interesting, and an interesting person is worth learning more about, if only to satisfy his stimulation-hungry mind.


  • Reading : Whether textbooks on ancient magical techniques, fishing books, or fiction and manga, Arden has a collection of everything you can think of...somewhere. Any and all types of writing and illustration catches his eye, and he has absolutely no shame in taking books and magazines off of peoples' hands. Just don't try to figure out where he's storing everything...

  • Thaumaturgy and other magic: "Consistency and infinite possibilities through theorem" is the view Arden takes toward most everything in life, and that applies to magic more than anything. Thaumaturgy is what he's officially trained in, and he seeks to break the boundaries of what's possible through vigorous studying and testing. He also has a desire to learn as many forms of magic as he can. Make no mistake, though: Arden is a scholar before he's a destroyer.

  • Hanging out with animals: After a night of dreaming of falling stars, Arden gained the Echo, allowing him to understand both Spoken and animal languages. Animals are simple and rarely ask for anything more than food and company - and throughout the few years since Ala Mhigo was freed, he's run into quite a few of them that are better off with him than anyone else. Arden is many things, but he isn't a monster. (Arden's Echo acts as an auto-translator - unless someone's speaking Eorzean or, to a lesser extent, Garlean, he doesn't realize he's understanding someone speaking a language he shouldn't know.)

  • Archivist work: For such a haphazard and seemingly careless person, Arden is surprisingly delicate when it comes to preserving and studying items. Magical artifacts and spellbooks are his forte, and when he spies an opportunity to add an item to his collection, he's almost impossible to shake off-course. Perhaps the only thing that can stop him is his lack of gil! Of course, when the gil runs dry, he's happy to take the item out of the hands of those who won't respect its power... (Note: he refuses to deal with voidsent or void-touched items. He isn't that reckless with his already-limited lifespan.)

Work & Abilities

Only the most dependable, patriotic, and bloodthirsty members of Limsan society can become a part of the Maelstrom, so questioning how Arden became a member is a valid concern. Simply hard work, past military experience, and dedication to living in a place completely opposite to Ala Mhigo (where the Lochs surround you), is what Arden would answer with a shrug. Through his service, it turns out that he possesses none of the most important traits of Maelstrom members and is in the gig for the money alone. Between constantly abandoning his guard posts, not following orders, and getting into spats with his supposed comrades, it's a wonder why he's still enlisted in the force. Six units have tried to tame the wild Seeker, and yet all have failed. The secret to his success and infamy, and why he's recently been allowed to undergo scouting training, is due to his mind always seeking new things. Whenever he's leaving his posts, it's always to watch the city-state's enemies and gather intel; when he doesn't follow orders, it's because he's seeing five steps ahead and is acting in the best interest of his company. He just can't help but ruffle the feathers of his cohorts and unit leaders at the same time.

Another reason why Arden is good to have around for the Maelstrom is that he's a very good fighter. His natural aetherial aptitude and years of experience have led him to be an excellent classical thaumaturge, and the battlefield has proven itself to work wonders for his studies into theorem. Any thaumaturge is good on the battlefield, but Arden's techniques are special in that he's trained in manipulating the aether of his enemies - teachings that have long since been abandoned by the Thaumaturge's Guild in Ul'dah. Whether he only needs to slightly tip his opponent's aether in his favor or violently rip it to another element entirely, this Seeker is a very adaptable and volatile opponent to fight against. In the few times where spells fail to get the job done, all Arden needs to do is conjure a sword and shield out of ice and leap into the fray - the muscle memory learned during his childhood takes care of the rest.

And when one died, the other died, too.Alone and forgotten by their betters, discarded without a second thought.But they were remembered by one person.